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отдых в Крыму

Milk will not fall in price

Townspeople complain, that in Simferopol dairy products are very expensive, and officials say that it is impossible to reduce prices, and now their aim is to keep them on former level.

The vice-chairman the Republican committee on trade and defence of rights for users Olga Ternavskaya told that a price on a season. — If weather terms will be favourable, a forage will appear, and consequently we manage to keep price at the same level, — Olga Ternavskaya marks. — It is possible to add with confidence, that in November-December prices will grow because there will be no fresh forage, only hay and straw, plus delivery. Usually in this period it rises on 20-30 percents.

Recently, on September, 17, the Memorandum of co-operation was prolonged by the Council of ministers of the Crimea, producers and retail business. According to it producers increasing price on products on 1 percent must give an obligatory economic ground. And merchants will realize a commodity with a raise no more than 10-15 percents. Olga Ternavskaya marks that the increase of price had happened on all commodities. — Jump of prices happened in April-May, when the cost of fuel was increased in the world, power mediums, — the vice-chairman of the Republican committee talks on trade and defence of rights for users. — Prices will not go down, I hope that they will be at former level.

The salespeople of dairy pavilion at the Central market sell milk for 5-6 hryvnyas for one litre. They notice that cost on dairy products depends on price on forage. — At the same time, milk is ours, and we can sell it at that price we set ourselves, — salespeople mark.